The weather is cooling off here, and yesterday I spent the day at a Pumpkin Patch/Corn Maze with L's class on their field trip. So much fun, and lots of great pictures. Going to share one of my faves, because these two just never get along this good!
Do you ever accidentally get a great pic? Not like setting up the shot, checking the lighting, posing your subjects...I'm talking shoot and thats it, then later realize it turned out great? This isn't great, there are a few things I would change, but in our house, this is frameworthy (is that a real word? or maybe two words?)
Check back next week to see what I use it for, and I do have a plan!
I decided that since this was L's first field trip, I would make something for the kids in her class. I had seen these before, not my original idea, but I don't know whose they were, sorry if they were yours. I also made a small gift for L's teacher, who I think is great. I had saved this jar, without having an idea in mind, but I knew that it would be great to alter.
Sorry for the way the pics are, I tried, but still new to this. Anyway, those are the finished water bottle hangy things. I put each kids name on theirs, and put a Hawaiian Punch flavor packet in each one. I made twenty in all, but it wasn't really so bad.
Stampin Up Scallop Circle punch
Stampin Up Chocolate Chip Marker for names
Close to my Heart Desert Sand marker for pumpkin shading
Pumpkin cut from Happily Ever After Cricut cartridge
I don't know where I got the leaf paper, it was in my stash from ages ago
The teacher gift was a taco sauce jar originally.
Same pumpkin from Happily Ever After, hand cut jackolantern cutouts
Same markers for shading
Diamond stickles for inside cutouts
On the back of the jar, I wrote out a poem I found on splitcoast stampers.
Pumpkin Poop
As I was carving out my pumpkin,
with my carving knife and scoop
He got so very scared
that he took a little poop!
It was so cute and funny
just like a special treat
I'm giving it to you
because you are so sweet.
As of October 1, I am no longer a Creative Memories consultant. Its kind of bittersweet for me. I have been a consultant for two and a half years, but I do feel like its time for me to move on to something else, where I can get excited again. I will have final orders within the next day or two, so if you have stuff coming, I will be contacting you then.
Take care,